Technical Data Sheet
Eastar™ Renew Copolyester EN076-30
Mono-layer film food contact
Multi-layer film food contact
Packaging component films
Packaging components non food contact
Protective film
Transaction cards
Wood furniture
Key Attributes
Clear, bright, premium appearance
Easy to extrude
Great for film and rigid thermoform packaging
Not a material of concern
PVC alternative
Polystyrene (PS) alternative
Produced with ISCC certified circular content by mass balance allocation
Product Description
Eastar™ Renew EN076-30 copolyester is a sustainable, clear copolyester used in a variety of packaging and consumer product applications, including food & beverage packaging, general purpose packaging, flexible film packaging, and consumer products. It is fully compatible with the resin identification code 1 (RIC1) recycle stream. Eastar™ Renew EN076-30 copolyester enables fast-moving consumer goods brand owners to achieve recyclable products and packaging, reduce consumption of fossil-based resources, and replace materials of concern without sacrificing aesthetics or quality.
Eastman Renew polymers have been certified by International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), a global, independent agency for tracking sustainable content in a variety of industries. Renew polymers are produced with ISCC certified circular content by mass balance allocation.
Eastar™ Renew EN076-30 copolyester meets the definition of resin identification code #1 (RIC1) as defined by ASTM D7611. Other end product attributes including but not limited to size, color, auxiliary components, and availability of collection may also impact recyclability.
Eastar™ Renew EN076-30 copolyester may be used in various food contact applications under the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.
The GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED mark is a registered certification mark used under license through the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI). GEI is an industry-independent, non-profit organization that oversees the GREENGUARD Certification Program. The GREENGUARD Certification Program is an industry independent, third-party testing program for low-emitting products and materials for indoor environments. For more information about GEI and to obtain printable certificates for Eastman™ Copolyesters, visit Choose Eastman Chemical Company under the Manufacturer category and click search to display a list of our products.
Typical Properties
Test Method
Typical Value, Units
Mechanical Properties
Flexural Modulus
D 790
2350 MPa (3.4 x 10
Rockwell Hardness, R Scale
D 785
Izod Impact Strength, Notched
@ 23°C (73°F)
D 256
67 J/m (1.2 ft·lbf/in.)
@ -40°C (-40°F)
D 256
33 J/m (0.6 ft·lbf/in.)
Optical Properties
D 1003
0.8 %
Total Transmittance
D 1003
89 %
Other Properties
Bio-based Content
0 %
Thermal Properties
Crystallization half time
4.5 min.
Typical Processing Conditions
Drying Temperature
150 °C (302 °F)
Drying Time
4-6 hrs
Processing Melt Temperature
277-293 °C (530-560 °F)
Mold Temperature
16-32 °C (60-90 °F)
Unless noted otherwise, all tests are run at 23°C (73°F) and 50% relative humidity.
Unless noted otherwise, the test method is ASTM.
Units are in SI or US customary units.
Properties reported here are typical of average lots. Eastman makes no representation that the material in any particular shipment will conform exactly to the values given.
Eastman and its marketing affiliates shall not be responsible for the use of this information, or of any product, method, or apparatus mentioned, and you must make your own determination of its suitability and completeness for your own use, for the protection of the environment, and for the health and safety of your employees and purchasers of your products. No warranty is made of the merchantability of fitness of any product, and nothing herein waives any of the Seller's conditions of sale.
2/15/2021 10:01:04 AM